Bebecar Ip-op XL Classic Combination with Car Seat – Baby Blue
Bebecar Ip-op XL Classic Combination with Car Seat – Baby Blue includes chassis, reversible seat unit, EasyMaxi car seat, carrycot for using the carrycot securely and safely in your car.
The Pack Ip-Op XL offers the same exceptional value as the Pack Ip-Op EL, with a different carrycot, so you can choose the style that’s right for you. The Pack Ip-Op XL is a comprehensive travel system which includes the classic Ip-Op EL chassis along with a carrycot, reversible pushchair seat, and Easymaxi Lie Flat infant car seat. The chassis features the Easylock system, meaning all three pieces can be fitted quickly and easily without the need for additional adaptors. The chassis has a one-handed opening and folding mechanism, and is very compact when folded.